Scripting Mechanics

Once you've connected the required scripting node to the data flow, you'll need to add the script; you can download a script via the Pyramid Marketplace, select a shared script, or write a script. You then need to configure the script by selecting a virtual scripting environment, defining input and output columns, and more.

Configure the Scripting Node

To add a script to the data flow, connect the relevant scripting node to the table containing the columns you want to input into the script. Configure the script from the node's Properties panel.

There are four kinds of scripting node:

  • Generate Your Script: get an AI-generated Python script based on a given prompt.
  • Scripting Model: machine learning models that have been built using a learn and predict script, then saved, can then be used as a target via the Scripting Model node.
  • Market: download a Python or R script from the Marketplace catalog.
  • Python: download a Python script, inject a shared Python script, write a Python script., or generate a Python script using the Generate Your Script feature.
  • R: download an R script, inject a shared R script, write an R script, or generate an R script using the Generate Your Script feature.

Script Type

For Python and R nodes, you can select a regular script, or a learn and predict script (red highlight below). Learn and predict scripts are trained on a given data set, and can then be used to make predictions.

  • Click here to learn about learn and predict scripts.

Adding a Script

There are three ways that scripts can be added: you can download a script from the Marketplace, inject a shared script that was built in Formulate, or write or paste a script directly into the script window.

Generate a Script

Use the Generate Your Script feature to produce an AI-generated script based on a given prompt.

  • Click here to learn more about generating scripts using Pyramid's Open AI integration.

Download a Script

Click the shopping cart icon (green arrow above) to open the Pyramid Marketplace; this is a catalog of scripts that can be downloaded.

  • Click here to learn more about the Marketplace.

Inject a Shared Script

Scripts can be constructed in the Formulate module and shared to the content manager; these scripts can then be injected into scripting nodes in the Data Flow. Click the folder icon (blue arrow above) to inject a shared Python script into the node.

  • Click here to learn about injecting a shared script.

Write a Script

Add your own script by writing it or pasting it directly into the script window (purple highlight above).

Scripting Environment and Packages

Pyramid allows admins to create multiple virtual scripting environments; this enables Admins to run multiple versions or Python and/ or R, and multiple package versions. Choose the scripting environment that runs the required language and package versions (orange highlight above).

  • Click here to learn more about choosing a scripting environment.

Script Window

Any script that is downloaded, injected from a shared script, or written or pasted is written in the Script window (orange highlight above).

Inputs and Outputs

The input window is used to configure the column(s) that will be injected into the script (green highlight below). Add all the columns in the table as inputs by clicking 'Add all' (purple highlight below).

The output window is used to configure the new column(s) that will be produced by the script (blue highlight below). You can also determine whether the new column(s) will be added to the existing table (the table to which the scripting node is connected), or stored in a new a table (orange highlight below).

When you download a script from the Marketplace, Pyramid automatically detects the inputs and outputs. When writing a script of choosing a shared script, you'll need to configure the input and output columns yourself. You also have the option to use to let Pyramid auto detect the output from the script (yellow arrow below).

  • Click here to learn more about scripting inputs and outputs.
  • Click here to learn more about the auto detect function.


Click the preview icon from the script properties to load run the script and preview the results in the Preview panel. Any errors will be displayed in the Error panel.